Lakey St Development
- DVC has provided traffic and Transport advice for this development proposal over
several years as the design has evolved - Innovative share zone areas are included in the design using patterned shared
areas rather than conventional speed humps and bollards - Preliminary design of a roundabout on Holmes St and Harpenden St was undertaken
and approved by Council so that the land requirements could be understood and set
aside - A TIA report was produced and accepted by Council
- A refuse management plan was also devised to the satisfaction of the refuse department
including bin pad locations where needed - Two independent Rd safety audit reports were undertaken during the project to
ensure a safe design was accomplished

Anthea St Structure Plan
- DVC prepared a Transport Statement that considered the internal and external transport
networks of the proposed Structure Plan of a large land bank located within the
City of Swan in the suburb of Hazelmere - The proposed development incorporates a plan for some 180 residential lots and
a reserve for recreation - DVC’s analysis illustrated that the proposal was consistent with the guidelines
set out in Liveable Neighbourhoods (WAPC 2009) and therefore was supportive of
the proposal from a traffic perspective

Murtin Rd Traffic Calming
- DVC was commissioned to undertake a review of the traffic calming devices installed
along Murtin Rd, Dalyellup - There were two main issues with the existing calming measures that made them ineffective:
- They were too widely spaced, enabling drivers to travel at excess speeds along
several sections of the road, and - There were issues with drivers avoiding the devices by either mounting the footpath
or driving between the elements
- They were too widely spaced, enabling drivers to travel at excess speeds along
- DVC recommended a range of cost effective solutions to remedy both issues with
the use of a median island, installation of several posts and signposts and an
additional set of modified speed cushions